And so it goes...

The past weeks haven’t been bad; I can’t complain much about work - things are starting to improve on a number of fronts - both in terms of tools and processes, but also in terms of benefits. For example, there is only one mandatory furlough next year, instead of four. This means that I’ll be able to choose when I go on vacation, instead of having the decision made for me.

Which is a good thing - it gives Angie & I a chance to plan a vacation, rather than having to decide “What won’t be crowded.” and “What can we do in that time.” It also (hopefully) means that I’ll have some vacation time to use during the nicer times of year so I can go & fly my R/C Helicopters more.

In other news, I’ve finished the canopy I’ve been painting for my Synergy N9 (Helicopter), and I’m pretty pleased with it. It’s not perfect, but I learned a lot, and will hopefully be able to apply what I’ve learned for the next canopy. I’m thinking of doing a canopy for my Hirobo SDX next. I’ll have to upload the photos of the new canopy to my gallery.

Lastly, my birthday was about a week ago; I’ve been saving my pennies, and birthday money, and Angie has let me get an iPhone 4. I have to say - it’s quite an upgrade from the 3G model i had for the past two years. The screen is amazing, and is a joy to behold. It really is like looking at a photograph or printed page in terms of quality - just amazing. The built-in compass and gyro are kinda neat, but the gyro doesn’t seem to get much use, and the compass is fairly inaccurate (a 45 degree “wedge” is the closest I’ve seen in terms of accuracy). The multi-tasking is pretty neat too - and it doesn’t require any thought on my part to use.

Still, I’m extremely impressed with the phone, and look forward to using it for quite a while.

I’ve actually gotten a Facebook account - which may or may not pan out; I’m not really that sure yet. It’ll be interesting to see how that goes. Still, I’m becoming increasingly impressed with Realmac Software’s Socialite. Socialite seems to be an all-in-one social media app of sorts - it does Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Digg, and has a full RSS reader (including google sync). So far, it seems fairly nice and organized. I’ve liked a few of RealMac’s offerings - I have just about every one, actually. I’m writing this blog post in Realmac’s RapidWeaver, which is a nice environment for web authoring.