Overboard Advertising Every single click would force you to watch a 30 second TV ad. (This includes the ‘next’, ‘search’, etc. buttons.) it took me 5 minutes just to find the clip I wanted. That’s because it was 5 minutes of mandatory commercials, because to ‘page down’ in the list of videos... you guessed it... mandatory commercial. Let me tell you: Being a guy, I was never going to buy Oil of Olay facial products. After watching five minutes of mandatory commercials for said products - just for the privilege of looking at a list of available content - I can say that my position of never buying those products has only become more passionate. The thing that gets me: Why in the world are they having a mandatory commercial that fewer than half the viewers care about seeing? Why not an electronics or tylenol commercial? I’m also none to pleased with the Discovery channel. You should be able to find the clip you’re looking for without being forced to watch full-motion video commercials just to look at the next page of clips.
06/12/07 22:49 Filed in: Personal
Advertising has gone too far.
27/10/07 22:47 Filed in: Computing
My copy of OS X 10.5 “Leopard” came in the mail today. My impressions. Read More...
Fountain Pens
26/10/07 22:46 Filed in: Hobby
It’s been said that there are two kinds of people: Those that care about pens and those that don’t. Read More...
Three cheers for Apple!
31/08/07 22:34 Filed in: Computing
Don't cave to the media monopoly.
Weekend of New Things
20/08/07 22:33 Filed in: Personal
I also got Windows Vista for my Mac. I would have just used Windows XP, but Boot Camp requires a Windows XP SP2 install CD, which I don’t have. (I only have the ‘release’ disc, which is not good enough, according to Apple). And since only Vista Ultimate is licensed for VM usage, I got Ultimate. The reason is so that I could run RealFlight G3 on my MacBook Pro. (RealFlight G3 is an R/C Flight Simulator). Well, that and Half-Life 2 & its cadre of games. Yup, I got Vista to be a Wintendo.
And you know what? I’m really disappointed in Vista. Read More...
And you know what? I’m really disappointed in Vista. Read More...
Social Networks
14/08/07 22:31 Filed in: Personal
I think I may be starting to get social networks. Read More...
iLife & iWork '09
13/08/07 22:20 Filed in: Computing
My thoughts on the latest iLife & iWork.